Teachable Moments by Hank Wagner

Teachable Moments

Lessons From Africa

I was not a very thankful person, but the people of Togo, Africa have changed that in me forever. The poor people of Togo taught me that thankfulness has nothing to do with our circumstances or the things we own or possess. Thankfulness is simply a choice, one that we can and should make daily, regardless of what is going on around us. Thankful people live longer, are happier, and are filled with peace and contentment. Thankful people realize that the more thankful they are for the things that they have, the more things they will have to be thankful for. In fact the things that we are thankful for in our lives will grow or multiply, the things that we are not thankful for will decrease or exit our lives. This doesn’t just apply to things, but also to people and relationships.

I love being around thankful people, regardless of the circumstances they always add a little sunshine to every day. If you want more thankfulness in your life this book will help. If you want the people around you to be more thankful, read the book together, or…. just start with yourself, because thankfulness is contagious.

Lessons From Africa

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In 2004, a fourth-generation dairy farmer from Wisconsin embarked on a ten-day journey to Togo, Africa, which changed his life forever. This is his story and the lessons learned from an unforgettable pilgrimage to the other side of the world. See Book Reviews

Paperback: 124 pages

Publisher: iUniverse (11/23/09)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1440190771

ISBN-13: 978-1440190773

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Phone: 715-853-1535

Email Hank: hwagner@wagnerfarmswi.com
Email Laura: lwagner@wagnerfarmswi.com

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