Leadership in Families
Family is really important to us and, because you are reading this, I’m guessing it is also important to you. We spend a lot of our lives with family, and time spent can be filled with great memories or bad ones. We have more ability to influence the outcome of our lives than many people realize. People often think that they will intuitively will be great spouses or parents, that when the time comes, they will just “know” what to do, but in most cases that is simply just not true. Our belief systems, habits, and things we see modeled by others have a huge impact on what kind of spouse or parent we will become.
As parents we have an extremely important responsibility to prepare our children. Teaching, training, disciplining, encouraging, and helping our children get closer to their potential is the most important job we will ever have. Think about it, you are the only father or mother your child will ever have. Sometimes it may not seem like it, but they need you.
Leadership in Business
Leadership is a crucial part of success anywhere people are involved, which is everywhere. Leadership means different things to people, and it can sometimes be a confusing topic that is hard for people to grasp. To make matters worse, people and businesses are often at different stages of leadership development, so continual training in this area is often necessary. Some popular topics for training are;
What is leadership and its extremely important connection to you?
Vision and goal-setting
How to use thinking and belief systems to our advantage
Habits and behaviors, and their connection to success
Life-long learning, why and how to make it a part of your business culture
People, relationships, and how to make sure they are what we want them to be
Communication skills, not just how we speak but also learning how to listen
Leadership in Faith
Many times, people don’t think about leadership development in faith based organizations or churches. Everything rises and falls on leadership, and that includes churches. Successful churches understand the need to continually invest in and grow leaders, at all levels. The same leadership principles that bring about more success in families, organizations, communities, and business, also apply in churches. Some popular topics are;
Understanding what leadership is and how it applies to people in this area.
Why vision and goal-setting are extremely important in the spiritual area and how to use them to fulfill purpose and destiny.
Thinking, habits, and behaviors all impact the lives of people, not just at home or in business, but especially in churches.
All churches are filled with people. Successful businesses, organizations, and even families who invest in helping their people learn and apply great communication skills, have more success, peace, and joy, why not churches?
Unity is extremely important and can be the determining factor on the accomplishment of vision and goals. The greatest test, and need, for unity is most often found in volunteer teams.
Leadership for Youth
Truth for Teens

What happens when parents aren’t willing to learn about or grow themselves as a parent? Do we just let those children wonder through life wondering who they are and what meaning there is to their life? Do we stand by and watch as their peers ruthlessly “tell” them about all their faults and weaknesses and why they are doomed for failure? This class is about helping young people understand their value and significance. It helps them learn about and see that they have value and gives them hope. We will also teach them basic family principles that they should be learning from their parents but, for whatever reason, do not have that opportunity. This class is for youth who want more self-confidence and direction in their lives.
Individual Mentoring and Coaching
We offer individual and group mentoring or coaching for anyone who wants more specific or personal growth in this area. This is not counseling, but helps you think about what you want in your families or relationships and how you get there.
We will continue to develop and provide programs, resources, and events in this area. Not just because it is needed but also because help with this is hard to find. How to be a great parent or spouse is not taught in high school or college. Why not make an investment in you, your family, and all of the lives that touch each of you for generations to come by learning in these areas. If you have a strong foundation in your family it will also bring about happiness and success in other areas of your life as well.